Boys of Avix
Book 3
“Have you seen Cameron?” I hear him before I see him and clench my eyes closed.
Damn it. I don’t want to deal with him right now.
Leaning over the sink, I peek out the small window facing the front yard, and sure enough there he is, Alister freaking Howl, the latest male on my shit list, with Ari and Paige standing before him.
I grin when my girls cross their arms, Ari looking away, ignoring him completely, while Paige is too damn poised to be so direct about it. But she does bring a smile to my face when she hits his ass with as best of a glare as she can muster. Honestly? “Needs work, girl,” I muse, hopping up a bit to put a knee on the countertop, so I can damn near press my ear to the glass to eavesdrop.
“I haven’t,” Paige smiles then, it’s too wide and purposefully so as she flutters her lashes his way, going the only route she knows how when it comes to confrontation – sweet as fucking pie. “But if I do, I’ll let her know you’re looking for her.”
Yeah, she will.
She will so I can hide from his ass like I’ve been hiding for the last few weeks.
Cameron and controversy? We don’t mix.
We pivot.
“Give it a rest already, Alister the Asshole” I mutter, eyes accidentally taking him in from head to toe and drawing a pout to my face. “But why do you have to be so hot?”
“I was born that way.”
I squeal, lose balance and tumble right into the sink, my ass cheek stabbing into the stem of spatula and sending me jumping forward.
Brady catches me on the edge, his head falling back with laughter and when he faces forward again, his glossy eyes meet mine. “Cammie baby.”
“Big guy.” I raise a brow. “Having fun?”
“Am now.”
I scoff, then remember what I was doing and swiftly spin my torso, only to find the driveway now empty. I press my lips together, unsure if I’m happy or annoyed.
“Let me guess,” he cuts a quick glance outside and back. “That little fucker showed up uninvited again?”
“I mean he is on the football team, and this is technically a barbecue for the football players but yes. Yes, he did.” I sigh, leaning my body against his big ass one and stick my lip out. “I can’t shake him, Brady. I’ve tried and he just …won’t let me.”
Brady’s eyes search mine, a question I can’t read written in his own, though, I’m not sure it’s the one he asks. “Do you really want him to? Let you shake him, I mean.”
“Yes,” my answer is fast. Maybe too fast and when that brow of his raises I groan, covering my face and burying it in his chests. “No. I mean don’t know,” I mumble against him.
God, I’m so pathetic. Alister literally used me, and he only stopped because he got caught. He knew my best friend was his new team captain's twin and he used that to his advantage. Used me.
Opening my eyes, I meet Brady’s. “Am I having one of those dumb girl moments?”
“No. He’s just a dipshit.” Brady’s eyes snap over my head, narrowing and his lips flatten. “But you need to decide what you want to do, cause he’s about to walk through the door in five, four … what do you want?”
Panic curls in my belly and I tense up. “I don’t know.”
Brady’s eyes flick to the opening door and then back to mine. “Okay, then what do you need?”
“Time.” I swallow.
“Time.” He sets his can down on the counter, standing to his full, massive height.
“Time to figure it all out I guess.”
Brady nods, slow and several times, his eyes never leaving mine. “I can help you out with that.”
The door closes, and in my peripheral, I see a streak of (hair color) headed right this way. “How?” I rush, my heart rate spiking.
Brady pushes closer, not that there was much more room to go. I’m literally sitting at the edge of the counter, his body still positioned between my legs from when he caught me. Still, he manages it, and when his knuckle presses against my throat, dragging up until he’s hooked me by the chin, my head falls back, my long hair tickling my lower back.
Suddenly his eyes fall and if I didn’t know any better, I’d say they landed on my mouth.
“Brady?” We’re running out of time.
He swallows and a small frown builds across my brow.
“Trust me?” he whispers.
I get no warning. No explanation. No period to process.
The unthinkable, the utterly unexpected, happens and it happens fast.
Heavy, demanding lips drop to mine, and they waste not a second, coaxing them open with a swift flick of the tongue.
And what a hussy my mouth is, opening wide without a words protest. Suddenly, my hands are around a thick, strong neck, and palms so massive they reach from belt to bra, lock around me.
Our tongues tangle, my fingers jealous of the action and seeking the tips of his hair to do the same thing, but I never make it past the nape.
He’s shoved from the side, but he’s massive and pure muscle. He doesn’t budge an inch.
He simply lifts his head, and my eyes are locked on his face, shock setting in at the sight of his swollen lips when he says, “Do you mind?”
Oh my god, those are Brady’s lips. Those are Brady’s lips because this is Brady before me, and they’re swollen from my kiss.
Our kiss.
“What the hell is going on?” this comes from Alister, and the question might be for me, but I’ve got no words. Only thoughts.
Holy shit is the loudest one.
“What’s going on is you interrupted us.” Brady glares, his hands still sealed on my sides. “Now if you don’t mind-” good god almighty, I kissed Brady Lancaster. “-I’d like to get back to kissing my girlfriend.”
I can’t believe that just – wait.
Surprise! Cameron’s story is next…but who does she far for in the end? I can’t wait for you to find out!